Friday, January 21, 2011


I was given the name Greg Whitaker, it has no special meaning in mythology, I was not name after an ancestor, and this, in my opinion, makes me unique. I am a closet writer, artist, photographer, musician and videographer. My life is lived to the fullest of my financial ability in pursuing this interests and my love for my wife and kids has no bounds.

My occasional forays through past records of my life, which I find written and drawn on various and yellowing scraps of paper and table napkins, are a never ending source of comedy and wonder. Wonder at the occasional burst of talent and comedy at the occasional burst of proof that I have no talent.

Living happily has been my ultimate goal and in spite of uncontrolled outside influences I believe I have managed to do so.

Utah Valley Gardens is where I practice at being self sufficient by growing my own food.

A Storied Existence allows my closet writer and artist to run free. It helps me maintain some semblance of sanity.

Are We Green Yet? Asks the question, well, are we green yet. I explore the sustainable life style, our attempts to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and how we celebrate nature and wildlife.

Disenchanted Citizen is my soapbox for political and social issues. Not for the faint of heart.

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