Saturday, December 4, 2010

No Smoking Area

Have you ever thought about how destructive smoking tobacco is? Is it true that smokers just ignore the warnings because they stubbornly reject anyone ‘telling them what to do’ even for their own good?

I don’t want to pass judgment on anyone. That is not what is at issue in this post. I have known several people, friends and relatives, who have died from one or more of the many diseases caused by smoking tobacco. It is painful, for those of us who love them, to watch them go through this very preventable form of suicide.

The reasons for starting to smoke are varied, none of which I personally will ever understand completely.

What got me started on this is the following set of anti-tobacco ads I stumbled across posted on the website These are just a few and many more are at the site. I hope these will leave some lasting impression on everyone. It is also my hope that they will be enough to stop smokers and wannabe smokers. Not only for the sake of their own health but maybe more importantly for the sake of their loved ones.

You are loved. Please stop killing yourself.

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